So Here I Am…

You may have noticed I haven’t published anything in a few days.  This is because when I went to write my newest Drifter chapter I was greeted by a warning from Flickr that they are downsizing the free accounts from 1TB free to 1,000 images free.  Obviously, person with no life that I am, I…

It’s Official

Yes, that’s right. I have squirrel scratch fever! Ha! Just kidding. I know better than to jump into bushes and fight squirrels. Actually, it’s officially been a freaking month since I’ve actually played anything. I did part of a sim day to make the new Random Legacy crisis chapter but that’s about it. I’ve started…

The Newest Blog Drama

Over the last year-and-a-half, I’ve had blog issues off and on. No point in listing them all here. What’s important is the newest issue. I’ve mentioned before that this hosted WordPress site will be up for renewal in November and that I didn’t plan to renew. The plan was simple. Take all of the posts…

Computer Issues & Stuff

I know I’ve mentioned in several recent chapters that my computer kept randomly turning off. Well, it got worse and nothing I tried would fix it. I’m not going to go over all that I’ve done. I’ll just say that at the moment it appears to be working but I’m having a hard time believing…

How Long?!

Last month I had to pay for my domain and this month for my web hosting and I keep telling myself I really need to get back to writing something so it’s at least somewhat worth the cost. So, I log into my dashboard today and see it’s been over 6 weeks since my last…

State of the Blog

It’s that time again. Time to renew the hosting of this blog. Every time I need to do so I feel extremely conflicted. Is it really worth the cost? And, I’ve finally made a decision. No, it’s not. Here’s why: I’m paying in total around $150.00 a year between hosting and domain fees which is…

It’s A-live!

It’s A-live! As you may know, I have had many many blog issues in the past few years starting with a domain change and then moving content from one blog to a hosted blog… but not all of it. It was a really hard time in my life and I have to remind myself not…

I’m back?

Long story short… I’m using this blog again. *waves* Oh? You want the long story? Gosh. Okay. Well, see here’s the thing. I used to write so much and attach so many screenshots that this regular WordPress blog couldn’t handle it. So, I went to a hosted blog. But, after a year the price increased…

Oh by the way…

It’s been a week since the site where all of my screenshots were being hosted at was closed down. Which means all of the chapters here are just text with little errors where the screenshots should be. I have the entire site saved to pdf files, I just haven’t gotten around to replacing the chapters…

Fingers Crossed and Knocking on Wood

So, I might have fixed my computer. Seeing how I’ve announced that waaay too often in recent years, I’m not holding my breath. I won’t go into the technical details I suppose. Let’s just say I tore the whole thing apart and put it back together piece by piece. While doing so I noticed a…

A Dream Come True!

Just a tiny update. I had to celebrate with you that I now have all of my chapters from all of my blogs here on this site! There aren’t pictures but hey we can’t have it all, right? I have pdf versions of everything with pics attached and will begin slowly but surely replacing the…

Not Much Progress

I’ve come to terms with the fact that my computer problems will likely never be completely “fixed” unless I buy a whole new PC. I’ve had to “fix” it twice since my post saying I thought I’d fixed it. *sigh* So anyway, there might be bursts of me getting things done followed by nothing getting…

Progress & Stuff

Okay! So, I said I would do these progress reports weekly to kinda keep myself motivated… or something. It’s been a little over a week since the last one. As far as my computer goes, I’ve had to re-install Windows twice and finally gave up and went back to Linux. Having fallen back in love…

Talk it up!

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